Letting go of ambition and judgement and finding our natural curiosity and kindness of self. Gentle slow movement becomes the key to replace pain and hesitation…
Please arrive early as doors will lock promptly at 2:00pm for security.
Pre-registration is required. Please contact Debra to sign up or with any questions
via email at leslieler@yahoo.com or call (808) 896-5118.
Debra Lerman, PT, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, 1996
Originally a dancer and massage therapist, then a physical therapist, first licensed in 1986,
Debra has been teaching movement in some form since 1971. Debra has worked one-on-one and in groups with babies to octogenarians, with neurological and orthopedic difficulties, as well as world-class athletes. She has taught in colleges, and universities, provided training for physical and massage therapists, and co-taught retreats in Arizona, Washington State, Oregon, and Costa Rica with yoga instructors. For Debra, “It’s been a wild ride.” Currently, she finds unending fascination in coming upon movements that provide a physical metaphor and experience allowing each individual to answer for themselves “life’s persistent questions.”_ Guy Noir, a Prairie Home Companion
Learn more at debralerman.com