In this class we will combine intention setting, gentle movement, breathwork, guided meditation, music, visualization, and group synergy to create an experience that can:
foster a deeper connection with yourself, clear your mind, reduce stress, help to heal inner trauma, release emotions and stuck stagnant energy, expand awareness, increase intuition, enhance visualization to create the life of your dreams and leave you feeling uplifted and at peace.
The Winter Solstice is a potent time for taking a great exhale and pausing, to allow ourselves to receive the light that is always within us waiting to find us and take us home to ourselves and our true nature. We will start in the dark and breathe and journey together, releasing what no longer serves us and emptying out space to receive the light.
Please wear comfortable clothes that you can layer as needed, bring a yoga mat, blanket, and pillow if you desire. There are pillows, blankets, and bolsters at the studio if you would like to borrow them.
Penney Stringer, a family physician, who has studied many healing modalities including yoga, acupuncture, energy medicine, and functional medicine, is very happy to share one of the most powerful tools she has found in helping people access their own inner wisdom and tap into their own innate healing capacities.
$15.00 Space is limited so please pre register using button below. Please arrive early as the door will be locked promptly at 6:30pm for safety while in class.